Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Mad Hatter Republican Tea Party

I've always been a fan of "Alice in Wonderland" from the time I was a child.  I even performed in an Open Theater style troupe production of "Alice" after college.  But lately I feel like I have fallen through the rabbit hole again. Everything seems upside down and inside out.  I feel like I am at the Mad Hatter's Republican Tea Party. I am combining the supposedly disparate Republicans and Tea Party activists, as they really are one and the same. They both call for the overthrow of the Democrats, Liberals and Intellectuals who they blame for everything wrong in this country.
Why is it that they find being intellectual a problem, being liberal as something to sneer at?  Wanting less government intervention is a good thing, right?  That’s what all the Republican Tea Party candidates keep exclaiming.

But: Bush wasn’t an intellectual. Look where we are now.

Why is it that the so-called “Ivy League elite” care more for the general population and the Tea Party Republicans only look after their big donor corporations?

Why is it that the very lack of government control was the reason the banks and Wall Street screwed the American people, then they got bailed out?  What about us?

Why is it okay to gamble with our retirement funds and bankrupt people for being sick?  What is so damn important about repealing a health care act that protects the American people for the very first time, against unscrupulous corporations whose executives are made millionaires, while they deny our citizens basic medical coverage? 

I can’t believe that all Republicans Tea Party activists are really such sheep as to be deceived into thinking that the very people who were laid off because corporations shifted their jobs overseas, should be called lazy and blamed for their unemployment.

I can’t believe that a modern society really thinks it is okay to strip a person of their job, their home, their identity and then flog them in public as if it is their own fault. When the real culprits, the greed mongers, the war machine and the very people who created the problems we are currently suffering from get off scot free and even run their current campaigns on saving us from this mess that they created.

What I really can’t believe is that the current Republican mantra “Greed is Good”, has to come from stepping on the backs of the poor and middle class.  Why can’t we ALL do better?  

And finally, why is the Republican Tea Party so white? Look at Congress when they are seated during the State of the Union. Almost everyone on the Republican side of the aisle is white and male. Even if the Chairman of the RNC Michael Steele is a black man.  Believe me that was more for symbolism than to show true acceptance, because the people who are complaining the loudest and getting the most help are the wealthiest. The people with multiple homes and millions of US dollars  in investments hidden in offshore accounts so that they don’t have to pay taxes. They are the real Americans, right? The rest of us hard working blue and white collar Americans, don’t really count.